About Us

Making the complex ... simple

DEW Development was created By Danny Wall (see his bio here)out of the belief that anything complex can be made simple. Think of it from the stand point of “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

The truth however is that a journey of a thousand miles is nothing but one step made after another. While a thousand mile journey may be daunting, a single step is a simple thing.

Our skill in turning complex business requirements into actionable programming tasks, or turning complex techno-babble into understandable business lingo comes from this underpinning.

Another example we like to use has to do with Legos. Programming anything is little more than putting simple “lego blocks” of code together. While the end result may become something complex, in truth the application itself is little more than one simple lego block built on top of other simple lego blocks until something complete emerges.

Because we take this view point, quite often we can get much more done in much less time and much less programming effort because what we do is break any complex task down to simple to perform steps (or lego blocks if you will).

If you would like to work with DEW Development, we welcome you reaching out to us. Simply use the contact form at the bottom of the front page.